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GE Analysis Report Dashboard

market research

Analysis report on monthly collected stats of current situation and future trends on GE’s key markets of most of the games, game types on these markets


Analysis report on financial performance and actual completion vs planned completion, development rate, cost control performance by business group, department, product


Analysis report on monthly collected stats of marketing and operation performance of each game, each department, each type, each market


Analysis report on cost and human resources headcount by business group, department, product


Detailed analysis report on the efficiency of using server costs, internet connection by business group, department, product

market research

Analysis report on monthly collected stats of current situation and future trends on GE’s key markets of most of the games, game types on these markets


Analysis report on financial performance and actual completion vs planned completion, development rate, cost control performance by business group, department, product


Analysis report on monthly collected stats of marketing and operation performance of each game, each department, each type, each market


Analysis report on cost and human resources headcount by business group, department, product


Detailed analysis report on the efficiency of using server costs, internet connection by business group, department, product