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General Instruction

GE Platform Services portal is an information page which is used to support Game Studios during the working process between GS and Functional Departments in Games Platform Group.

Please kindly review the page structure as belows for your convenience in searching for information.


FA Department kindly announces about timing to submit eform and receive invoices/documents of the year 2020 as below:
1) Deadline of the receiving eforms and invoices/documents for expenses of the year 2020:

  • Before 13:00 PM DEC 20th, 2020: for expenses are incurred from Jan 2020 to Nov 2020
  • Before 17:00 PM JAN 06th, 2021: for expenses are incurred in Dec 2020

2) Instruction for invoice/documents in 2020

  • Goods or services were provided and completed in 2020 (This rule always apply even though documents have been finished or not): The date of invoices has to be before or on DEC 31, 2020 .
  • For example:

Suppliers delivery goods for VNG and clickers received before or on DEC 31st, 2020 , services had been finished before or on DEC 31st, 2020 (invoices have been issued, regardless of finished or not). The invoice date is on 01/01/2021 ( or after that date ) This invoice is invalid and FA will refuse it. (The valid invoice in this case should be before or on DEC 31st, 2020 ).

  • With the advance to the supplier according to the payment term of the contract: Starters require suppliers issue invoice before or on 31 / 12 2020
  • With individual advance, please submit the payment request to clear your advance (exclude salary advance according to VNG’s Policy) before Dec 31st, 2020 .
  • In the situation goods or services are incurred impact of 02 years (Provide/serve from 2020 and will complete in 2021), need to define how much cost had been completed in 2020 and require the supplier issue the invoice for the value incurred in 2020 before or on DEC 31st, 2020 .

3) In case you do not submit these documents within the said timeline or wrong policy.

  • All expenses in the fiscal year 2020 that have invoices/documents have not been submitted before due time or properply, will be charged to the 2021 budget of BU
  • All taxes are incurred from the breaking of rules as above, we have two treatments:
  • Individual/group will take responsibility for reimbursement to the company that depends on BU Leader’s decision (Do not allow to charge budget of BU).
  • Or Financial Director decides to approve for specific cases

Any questions about the content of this email, please contact to us via email: or
Many thanks for your co-operation.